The Vision Book

The Vision: Book One – Nakai

The Vision Book tells the story of Nakai Breen, a beloved Cherokee medicine woman of remarkable power and humility. Nakai’s timeless relationship with the ancient Vedic sage Parashara re-awakened her to a great secret — a secret capable of healing and transforming humanity, which she shared with founding members of the Wholeness organization.

Grandmother Nakai Breen, a beloved Cherokee medicine woman, carried the seed of the Mahavakyas in her cosmic heart. Nakai lived a life of humility, service, vision and power. The Vision, Book One shares many of the blessings, miracles and cosmic knowledge that marked Nakai’s life, especially in illuminating the story of the crystal building to which she dedicated herself so deeply and fearlessly.

Nakai’s vision of these Temples, shared by seers of different traditions, is now blossoming in the hearts of many. There are countless individuals who have a role to play in this global crystal temple project. It is for this reason that we write these stories, as a sort of classified ad, a calling to those who feel some remembering… some resonance to participate in this profound project of world peace and transformation.

Excerpt from the book

Then her master showed her an internal vision, a dazzling domed building crowned with a pyramid structure, and from Nakai’s perspective some spiraling appearance or essence as well. This spiral quality of the building was mirrored by a spiraling energy in the land on which it stood. The spiral in the Earth extended not only far below but out and out and up and up, exceeding the boundaries of the inner snapshot shown to Nakai.

The land all around the building was stepped and terraced in a rhythmic way. Trees had been planted around the building, trees with names Nakai had never heard of, but which her master patiently spelled for her so she could understand – tamarind trees, and particular date palms, and others whose healing properties supported the energy of the building.

As Nakai took in this beautiful scene, she had a startling and personally significant revelation: there, there in the center of the building, stood a crystal. A crystal bigger than any she had ever seen in this world – a crystal so tall and broad that it was perhaps the size of a man or larger.

“I know this building!” Nakai cried. “This is the crystal building, the vision I saw at the land near Austin. But what has this to do with you, or with me?”

“Do you see the spiraling in the land and building? The building is to be built on a vortex.”

“What is a vortex?” Again Nakai interrupted, yearning to understand all these new words and ideas.

Master was direct and clear in answering her questions – those asked and many unasked. “A vortex is like a whirlpool. It is a whirlpool of energy in the Earth. Its effect is felt far beyond its localized center. This building is to be built on such a point on the Earth. This building, and the crystal within it, will harmonize the energies of the Earth, the sun, the stars, and humanity.

“A time of great purification is at hand. This building will assist in the transformation of the world. It will purify those individuals who are called to make pilgrimage to this building, and transform their lives – permanently.”

Purchase The Vision Book

This book will be available for purchase in the fall of 2022.

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The Crystal Earth Initiative is a project of The Wholeness,
a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

©2015-2024, The Crystal Earth Initiative. All rights reserved.

The Crystal Earth Initiative
New Planetary Technology for Awakening

The Crystal Earth Initiative
New Planetary Technology for Awakening

Phone: 415.787.5088


The Crystal Earth Initiative is a project of The Wholeness,
a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

©2015-2024, The Crystal Earth Initiative. All rights reserved.