Join Us

It has been our joy this last decade to offer community events, retreats, workshops, telegatherings, and conferences as has been timely to share knowledge and experience to further the Crystal Earth mission. We invite your participation in the following events and activities planned for 2022 & 2023.

Galactic Energy Activations

A few times a year there is the opportunity to experience a Galactic Energy Activation— multidimensional solar and stellar frequencies that support our divine awakening. Upcoming Activation Dates: to be announced.

Visiting the Temple

The Crystal Temple is a powerful place of pilgrimage for personal healing and evolution. This rarefied environment supports deep transformation, rejuvenation, and enlivenment of your soul purpose.

Forest Sanctuary Retreats

Forest Sanctuary retreats offer the opportunity to soak in the grace of Mother Earth, immersed in the higher vibrations now emanating from Crystal Mesa. Intimately sized, these camp-in retreats are profoundly restoring and radically inspiring.

Seed Planting Pilgrimages

Planted two to three feet below ground, Crystal Earth Seeds engage and amplify enlightening earth frequencies. Anyone can become a Seed Champion and install a Seed in a location of personal or global significance.

Support This Initiative


The Crystal Earth Initiative is a project of The Wholeness,
a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

©2015-2025, The Crystal Earth Initiative. All rights reserved.

The Crystal Earth Initiative
New Planetary Technology for Awakening

The Crystal Earth Initiative
New Planetary Technology for Awakening

Phone: 415.787.5088


The Crystal Earth Initiative is a project of The Wholeness,
a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

©2015-2025, The Crystal Earth Initiative. All rights reserved.