Seed Planting Pilgrimages

All over the world individuals and groups from varied spiritual and cultural backgrounds have initiated Seed planting pilgrimages to install this multidimensional technology in places of rare Earth purity and potency.

Anyone can become a Seed Champion and install a Seed in a location of personal or global significance.

Planted two to three feet below ground, Crystal Earth Seeds connect into and reinforce our planet’s crystalline grid, making its evolutionary energies more easily experienced by humanity. Each Seed planting increases the power and accessibility of the grid.

Read blog posts from a few past Seed Planting Pilgrimages: Peru | Israel | Nepal | Maui | Austria

Seed Planting Pilgrimages can be private (one or a few people) or large ceremonial gatherings. Inquire for more information about organizing a Crystal Earth Seed Planting Pilgrimage or to be notified of upcoming Seed Plantings in your area.

Seed Planting Inquiry

I would like to learn more about organizing a Seed Planting

I am interested in supporting Seed Planting Pilgrimages


Support This Initiative


The Crystal Earth Initiative is a project of The Wholeness,
a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

©2015-2025, The Crystal Earth Initiative. All rights reserved.

The Crystal Earth Initiative
New Planetary Technology for Awakening

The Crystal Earth Initiative
New Planetary Technology for Awakening

Phone: 415.787.5088


The Crystal Earth Initiative is a project of The Wholeness,
a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

©2015-2025, The Crystal Earth Initiative. All rights reserved.